Monday, July 5, 2010

music, the med, and americans

Day 17:
Spent the day catching up with e-mail, facebook, photo uploads, and blogging.  Annoying how those things take out hours in a day.  By night, I headed out to Montjuic once again - but that night was different!    Montjuic was hosting a free music festival for the city, called Montjuic de Nit (Montjuic by Night).  I arrived alone and wandered alone for a while.  All museums were free, and there were buses that would take you to different sites at Montjuic, but I didn't take advantage of that.  I stopped by Caixa Forum and walked by Mies van der Rohe's Pavilion (not open).  There were some interesting exhibits going on, so I just browsed through as I waited for my friends.
Day 17: Montjuic de Nit
Exhibit in Caixa Forum

I met up with Bing and Wayne (after they watched España win again in futbol!) and then met up with Cherilyn too.  We wandered Poble Espanyol where they had more museums and stores open, as well as a jazz concert going on in the main plaza.  I remember visiting two years ago by day, and it was a completely different feel than this time around.
Day 17: Montjuic de Nit
Poble Espanyol Jazz Concert

Afterwards, we met up with more interns at the Sonar electronic music section.  I got to know more interns and enjoy good music :)

Day 18:
Day trip to Sitges!  Cherilyn, Jon, and I rode forty minutes on a train to get to beautiful Sitges.  I remember arriving to Barcelona two years ago and eating my first meal there.  However, I wasn't able to completely appreciate the city that time because I was extremely jetlagged..but this time I got to spend quality tanning time on the beach and in the Med!  I don't think I got any darker..
Day 18: Sitges
We did not go topless.

Other friends came to meet up and we got gelato.  So refreshing.  We then ventured to the Parish Church of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla.  I really wish I had more time to sketch there.
Day 18: Sitges
I fell in love with this blue door.

After we got back, I was exhausted.  But the day wasn't over yet.  We Americans had to celebrate Fourth of July at an Irish Pub with fellow Americans in Barcelona.  It was a fun time, hearing everyone karaoke to typical American songs and playing some good ol' beer pong.  It's funny because I barely celebrate this holiday at home.. but it was still nice to show some love for America.
Day 18: ¡Día de Independencia!

Tonight I'm off to Montjuic (AGAIN) for an outdoor film!  I think it's gonna be an American film but dubbed in Spanish.  We shall see!  I'm excited to pack snacks..

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